Thursday, July 22, 2010


1. download grinder
2. download jython
3. unzip grinder and jython
4. create "setGrinderEnv.cmd" file


set GRINDERPATH=D:\grinder-3.2  # grinder path
set JYTHON_HOME=D:\jython2.2.1 # jython path
set GRINDERPROPERTIES=%GRINDERPATH%\examples\ # properties file path
set CLASSPATH="%JYTHON_HOME%\jython.jar" # jython jar file path
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%GRINDERPATH%\lib\grinder.jar # grinder jar file path
set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16" # java path


5. create "startAgent.cmd" file

pushd ..
call bin\setGrinderEnv.cmd  #
java -cp %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.Grinder %GRINDERPROPERTIES%


6. create "startConsole.cmd" file

call setGrinderEnv.cmd
java -cp %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.Console
7. create "startProxy.cmd" file
call setGrinderEnv.cmd
java -cp %CLASSPATH% net.grinder.TCPProxy -console -http > ..\

8. Record test scenario
    a. open command prompt, go to the grinder path "D:\grinder-3.2\bin"
    b. enter this "D:\grinder-3.2\bin> startProxy.cmd"
    c. open browser and set the proxy setting from tools " Tools > options > Advanced > Network > settings"
        i).select manual proxy settings option
        ii).Http proxy > localhost : 8001
        iii).SSL proxy > localhost : 8001
        iv).select "SOCKSv5
        v).No proxy for > localhost,
        vi).click "ok"
        vii).click "OK"
    d. enter url for your application
    e. do some actions in your application
    f. click "stop" at recording console
9. It will generate a file with recording script like "" in the grinder folder

10. copy this file  " " in to the example folder

11. open the "D:\grinder-3.2\examples\" file
    1. set the script file name at "grinder.script = "
    2. set the processors "grinder.processes = 2"
    3. set the threads "grinder.threads = 10"
    4. set the run times "grinder.runs = 10 "
    5. set the grinder console host name "grinder.consoleHost ="

12. start console
    i). open the command prompt and go to the grinder path like "D:\grinder-3.2\bin"
    ii). enter "D:\grinder-3.2\bin>startConsole.cmd "

12. start Agent
    i). open the command prompt and go to the grinder path like "D:\grinder-3.2\bin"
    ii). enter "D:\grinder-3.2\bin>startAgent.cmd "

13. go to the console window -> set the direcotory

14. go to the console window -> distribute files

15. go to the console window -> click strat process

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